Tonight, NBC premiered The Sing-off—a four-day a cappella group competition that was marketed as a cross between American Idol and Glee—and it was amazing, for all the wrong reasons. Here are the six things I learned while watching.

1. Host Nick Lachey Thinks We're All as Dumb as Jessica Simpson
Lachey, ever the helpful host, made sure to explain what a cappella was to the audience about a dozen times. Here's one example.

Wait, a cappella means there aren't any instruments?

Be sure to check back tomorrow, as we'll be posting a video containing all of Lachey's unnecessary explanations.

2. Judge Nicole Scherzinger Changes Her Accent to Reflect the Place She's Referring To

3. The Show's Director is a Fan of Michael Bay

Exhibit One.

Exhibit Two.

4. Reality Shows Can Serve as Real Life Old Navy Commercials

5. White People...

Can't dance.

Laugh at other white people's lame jokes.

6. Precious' (Male) Body Double Likes to Pop, Lock and Drop It Before Giving Us His Crazy Eyes

And there you have it!

What did you learn while watching The Sing-off? Feel free to discuss this subtle train wreck of a show in the comments.