Today at Gawker.TV, the cast of Jersey Shore sullies the story of the First Christmas by reenacting it themselves, Jason Segel's puppet-centric Rock Opera, MTV's Teen Mom, and a bastardized new version of Let's Make a Deal.

Jason Segel Performs Puppet Opera on 1,000th Episode of The Late, Late Show
Some of us forgot Sarah Marshall (See what I did there?), but those that refused forgetfulness lauded over Jason Segel's Dracula's Lament. Much like a vampire, Segel's puppet-driven rock opera lives beyond expectation on Craig Ferguson's 1,000th episode.

The Cast of Jersey Shore Re-Enacts the Story of Christmas
The cast of Jersey Shore continues their assault on the West Coast with an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. Pauly-D, The Situation, and Snooki were the three wise men—the only difference: Two of the wisemen had rock-hard abs.

Teen Mom Focuses on Exactly Why Teens Shouldn't Be Moms
MTV's creatively titled Teen Mom follows around, well, teen moms. It's basically a gigantic PSA to show how awful it is to be a teenager with a baby.

The New, Updated Version of Let's Make a Deal
While most of us are at work-or let's face it, asleep- a revamped version of Let's Make a Deal hosted by Wayne Brady is being broadcast. And it sure is wacky.

Ladies, Moments Like These Are Why Your Boyfriend Won't Watch The View
You know it's going to be a classic episode when in the first twenty seconds on-air, the words uterus and nipples are uttered. That, and the focus on these things resembling futuristic space shuttles attached to Whoopi's feet.