A Typo We Can Totally Understand; Update: But a Photo Screw-Up That's Unforgivable

Writes the tipster who spotted the typo currently on NYPost.com: "If only 'Michael Jackson' were easy to spell, like 'Tiger Woods.'" Which is funny, except practically no one is working in media today, including here — expect light posting.
Update: Oh, but look inside the print edition. In the graphic package, the Post has a little "case file" thingy about a UK DJ named Terry George who told British authorities that Jackson called him up for phone sex in 1979 when he was just 13. But the photo they ran is actually the director of Hotel Rwanda and Reservation Road who shares the same name. While it may be a tad embarrassing for the Post, it would not have been illegal for the director and Jackson to have phone sex in the 1970s. In 1979, Terry George was 27 and had just been released from Belfast prison for alleged involvement with the IRA.

For the record, this is what Google Images says the Terry George named in the FBI files looks like.