Brent Bozell—of the ultra-lame Parents Television Council and conservative Media Research Center—was on Fox & Friends this morning to announce MRC's picks for "the year's worst reporting." His indictment of ABC's Terry Moran should be a last-minute addition.

After Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson prompts Bozell to reveal the winner of the "Barry's Big Brain Award," which—according to MRC's web site—is for "journalists bedazzled by Obama's brilliance," Bozell can barely keep it together as he plays up a quote of Moran's in which he compares Obama to George Washington. The quote:

"I like to say that, in some ways, Barack Obama is the first President since George Washington to be taking a step down into the Oval Office. I mean, from visionary leader of a giant movement, now he's got an executive position that he has to perform in, in a way."

While Moran's quote may be a bit of a stretch—being President of the United States is no small feat, after all—Bozell's explanation of it is even worse. First, he takes the quote out of context and suggests Moran implied that going from a Community Organizer to Leader of the Free World was a step down for Obama, when it was actually made about Obama as the leader of a social movement (a la Washington and the American Revolution, hence the comparison).

Bozell then jokes that Moran "had to have been doing LSD" that day to make such a ridiculous comparison. When the joke falls flat, Bozell repeats it. (This is the part where we'd suggest he stick to his day job, but he seems to suck at that, too.)

And if all of the aforementioned wasn't bad enough, the segment ends with a super-awkward exchange between Bozell and the hosts about his wife's birthday. Watch it all go down below.

Thanks to Gawker Media video intern Spencer Lund for the tip!

[Fox News]