The disgraced former NBC chief who left the network to become the Something-something of Somewhere Online has enlisted Arrested Development's Jason Bateman and Will Arnett to create a new digital production company, called DumbDumb. An apt title.

It was also announced today that Silverman's company Electus (which sounds like a bad name for a campaign strategy firm) signed a deal with Yahoo to create content for the website. DumbDumb will create online commercials and other short movies that may eventually be turned into real live motion pictures on film if they are viraly enough (hey, people have made more out of Saturday Night Live skits, why not use the doodles of two of our favorite funny men?). Is this really the same deal? Is DumbDumb going to be making commercialized movies for Yahoo? Please don't say it's so. We have such high hopes for the AD alums, and all of this just seems

[Image via Getty]