Former NYT managing editor Gerald Boyd lost his job after the Jayson Blair scandal, which could be interpreted either as just desserts for snoozing while Blair fucked up the paper, or as an unjustified bit of scapegoating—made worse by the fact that Boyd was black, and the NYT wasn't exactly swarming with minority execs at the time (or ever!).

Boyd died three years ago, but now his memoir is finally set to be published, and the indefatigable John Koblin gets a look at the BEEF Boyd would like to settle posthumously. He disliked new NYT culture editor Jon Landman very much!

In the book, Boyd accuses Mr. Landman of being a bully-smug, aggressive, a master of office politics-and one of the primary enemies that celebrated his ouster. According to Boyd, Mr. Landman was a man of no "decency and integrity."

Landman, of course, won that battle, in the careerist sense, at least. Landman demurred from FIRING BACK to the NYO about Boyd's takedown, but we've emailed him to see if he has anything to add. (Update: He does not). Jayson Blair: Still making everyone at the New York Times look bad all these years later.

[NYO. Pic via]