Today at Gawker.TV, a Biggest Loser takes a fall, Today works out alongside some canine friends, Jimmy Fallon may be the next host of The Tonight Show, George Lopez weighs in, and what Simon Cowell means to Idol.

If Jimmy Fallon Is the Future of The Tonight Show, We're Screwed
Conan already skedaddled if he can't do The Tonight Show at 11:35. Jay reneged on his retirement once, but he can't possibly keep doing this for much longer. What does that leave NBC with? Jimmy Fallon. Uh-oh.

How Can American Idol Possibly Exist without Simon Cowell?
American Idol is finally back! And this year, once again, is advertised as better than all the others. It has auditions! And judging! And product placement! But the real draw? Simon Cowell, the alpha and omega of the show's success.

Let's All Laugh at the Loser Who's Afraid of Water
Last night's Biggest Loser featured a challenge that took place over water. Small problem: Maria is afraid of water and gets panic attacks. Her tumble is laughable, but actually ends with a trip to the hospital. Bring on the blood!

Doesn't Anyone Care What George Lopez Thinks?
It's safe to say we have all forgotten the man with the most dynamic opinion on the late night landscape: George Lopez. What does he have to say? And how can he turn this debacle into a racist joke?

Today'sAbsurd Segment on Working Out With Your Dog
This is further evidence that the 4th hour of Today is where all bad segments go to die. Today's WTF-worthy segment of horror? A segment on Doggie Boot Camp. Everyone participates in this embarrassment and we, the viewers, win.