While You Were Retweeting, Brangelina and Clooney Were Saving Haiti

Clooney is working on an earthquake relief telethon and Brangelina just tossed $1M Haiti's way. Tila Tequila stumbles into a third alter-ego. Jacko's kids' monthly allowances could feed and support a family of four for a year. TGI Friday gossip.
- Sometimes, Hollywood does good: Brangelina donated $1M to Doctors Without Borders for Haitian relief, Wyclef Jean is working with his Yele Haiti Foundation, and George Clooney will host an MTV-ABC-NBC-HBO-CNN-VH1 telethon, and is recruiting celebs to join up. Sting is reportedly on board. Lindsay Lohan retweeted stuff. [E!]
- Tila Tequila's publicist quit last night, citing "recent events." Moments later, Tila broke into a new split personality we've never seen before, that of a God-sent angel. In a series of tweets [fig.1], Tila said she and late fiancee Casey Johnson were angels sent from God, who fell in love (which is against the rules). She pledged to abandon her human identity, then announced that the surrogate child baby she is carrying is actually just going to be hers, to keep and raise on her own. [TMZ] [officialTila]
- Lady Gaga had to cancel a show in Indiana after "exhaustion and dehydration" caused an "irregular" heart rate: "I've been crying for hours, I feel like I let my fans down 2nite." This sounds... suspicious... [OMGCN]
- These people used to have pimples: Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne, The Office's Jenna Fischer. They all just signed contracts with infomercial face soap Proactiv. Now we get to see them at their ugliest for the before-and-after pictures. My personal favorite in this genre is Jessica Simpson, whose debilitating acne of the chin figured prominently in a Proactiv ads before she rose to—then fell from—the A-list. [NYDN]
- Sotheby's auctioneer Tobias Meyer is an Avatard. He just saw Avatar for the sixth time, with Candice Bergen at an Imax theater. [P6]
- Kate Gosselin hates her $7000 extensions: "She's afraid people will think she's one of Tiger Woods' bimbos." This strikes me as the wrong genre of bimbo. Bill Clinton bimbo or Real Housewifes of Decatur, Illinois, maybe. [Us]
- Gabourey Sidibe and Dakota Fanning share a double cover of V's size issue, with the tag lines "Big Love" and "Little Lady." [fig.2] Says Gabby: "All my life I've been hearing that I'll never amount to anything until I am skinny. And [Mo'Nique] disproved everything." Dakota: "I think when you'rre in the pubic eye, you automatically become a role model." [JJ] [JJ]
- Jacko's kids' monthly allowance just got increased to $60K. Just regular ol' bereaved kiddos. [TMZ]
- The premiere episode of Scorsese HBO show Boardwalk Empire is the network's most expensive ever: $50M for a one-hour show. About time someone throw down serious money on a Steve Buscemi vehicle. [P6]
- Angelina Jolie recently took her brood to the Apple store in Sherman Oaks, where she bought eight-year-old Maddox an iPod Touch. I wonder which apps he'll buy. [Us]
Figure 1.

Figure 2.