At least there's a Harold Ford interview to entertain us today. Has Prince Hal changed his tune on Wall Street bonuses, or health care reform? No one knows, because the Daily News reporter was not allowed to ask about "issues."

This is literally an actual sentence from a major daily newspaper's interview with a senate candidate:

The interview - granted under the condition that the questions be limited to his rationale for running, and not issues - comes at the end of a rocky first week of buzz surrounding his potential candidacy.

Huh. Right. That makes sense. Anyway, his rationale for running is that he loves the smell of New York.

Then Ford totally doubles down on the "pedicures" thing. They are not just a frilly girly thing, they are medically necessary pedicures, for his Athlete's Foot! That is the sort of thing Real New Yorkers get, right? Anyone?

The interview took place at a Harlem IHOP—apparently Ford is improving at this "optics" thing every day. In the space of a week he's gone from the Waverly Inn to Sylvia's to an actual crappy chain restaurant in a black neighborhood. Harold "worked the room," but apparently no one present watches Morning Joe, because they didn't seem to know exactly who he was.

(Ford's MLK Day party with Al Sharpton and Kirsten Gillibrand was also apparently awkward, ending with The Reverend Al telling Ford to "get in the damn car" as they left.)

[Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images]

We have updated our Harold Ford Campaign Map to reflect recent appearances. If you have seen Harold at a local eatery, bar, lounge, or club, please let us know.

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