How desperate are New York Times employees? A tipster tells us that a thief recently stole 27(!) laptop computers from the NYT's headquarters—and some think it may have been an inside job. The sordid details:

  • [Everything according to an inside source, but unconfirmed] Twenty-seven laptops (probably Thinkpads) were stolen from a storage closet on the second floor of the NYT's headquarters some time over the past three-day weekend.
  • The second floor is where the graphics, maps, and business news desks are located. The laptops were probably clean or unused, and waiting to be given to new reporters.
  • *Speculation exists* within the building that the theft may have been an inside job. Police were dusting for fingerprints today.

If you have any information about this laptop theft, do the right thing and tell us. Cause if you tell the police or the NYT you will totally go to jail.