The Hoff is back: A&E has picked up a reality series starring David Hasselhoff and it's gonna be huge. What do you think the show's about? Drinking? No, unfortunately. It is about his David Hasselhoff's beautiful daughters.

The 10-episode series "focuses on the actor's entertainment endeavors and helping his teenage daughters break into the recording industry," according to THR. Then he will help them try desperately to cope with fame, have a very public breakdown and stage a comeback by starring in their very own A&E reality series. META. [THR]

•Everyone knows Friday is going to be Conan O'Brien's final night on The Tonight Show. But 'officially' he is still under contract at NBC due to problems working out an exit agreement. Most of the big stuff is settled; now lawyers are quibbling over tax issues and other stuff. One fun thing: a "disparagement clause" which would determine how many mean things O'Brien could say about Leno after leaving NBC. The official announcement should be coming tomorrow. Please let this be over soon. The keys on our keyboard which spell out "Conan O'Brien" and "Jay Leno" are almost worn out. [Variety]

•The Oscar shortlist for Best Foreign Film is out: Front-runners include A Prophet and The White Ribbon. A Prophet is French, and is about a guy in prison; The White Ribbon is a creepy German film. We haven't seen either because we refuse to read subtitles unless they are N'avi. [The Wrap]

•Here are some new pilots ABC: Generation Y is about people today flashing back to their high school days in the early 2000s; Cutthroat is about a single mother who runs a drug cartel in Beverly Hills (So, Weeds?). FOX: Strange Brew is a project from Will & Grace creators about a family-run brewery; NBC: The Whole Truth is a Jerry Bruckheimer-produced legal show. Fun! [Variety]

•Former Gawker Intern James Frey's young-adult sci-fi novel is being adapted for DreamWorks. I Am Number Four is about a group of aliens who hide out on earth by disguising themselves as humans. Michael Bay is producing and may direct. James Frey continues to prove that cheaters always prosper. [THR]

•We have that Roundup rule about always reporting 3-D stuff, remember? So, we are bound to inform you that Warner Bros.' Clash of the Titans might be in three glorious dimensions. [THR]