Diddy Gets Sucked Into J.Lo's Nightmarish Sex Tape Fiasco

A rumored Diddy-J.Lo sex tape may not exist, but enters court proceedings anyway; Katy Perry used Google to figure out when Russell Brand would propose; We Are the World: Haiti Edition records, Gerard Butler jokes about being gay. Tuesday gossip!
- The existential riddle of J.Lo's not-sex tapes continues to haunt her: J.Lo ex Ojani Noa has been starting sex tape rumors via legal request—namely, an ever-spiraling series of stipulations and legal injunctions over a "personal" video of J.Lo that Noa wants to sell, that he keeps reiterating is not a sex tape, thereby implanting the notion of a sex tape in our heads in the first place. And now Diddy's getting sucked in: without confirming whether it exists (or mentioning even where the rumor came from) Noa's lawyer requested a Diddy-J.Lo sex tape, to compare and contrast with the not-sex tape, supposedly. If my suspicion that the tape does not exist pans out, then the rumor itself is probably Noa's goal—in which case, success. [P6]
- Gerard Butler joked about being gay with fellow actor Craig Ferguson, who costars in How to Train Your Dragon. Regarding rumors linking him romantically to his costars, Gerard said, "I wouldn't be surprised if I was linked to Craig. But maybe they'll come up with a way to say I had an affair with the dragon." [DailyRecord]
- Yesterday, a corpus of musicians as varied as that piecemeal podcast called the Grammy's gathered to re-record We Are the World to benefit Haiti. Everyone was there, including Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie—who were in the original version—and Wyclef Jean, The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Celine Dion, Brian Wilson, Lil Wayne, Tony Bennett, Barbara Streisand (word is she got a solo), Snoop Dogg, Josh Groban, Justin Bieber, and Kanye West, whose presence at events requiring team work and/or basic human kindness is always a gamble. [Popeater]
- Katy Perry found out Russell Brand was going to propose to her on Google. "Unfortunatey, I still Google myself sometimes. I saw it on my Google alerts," she explained. Russell was photographed shopping for rings before he proposed; Katy saw the gossip items and knew he was going to pop the question. [NYDN]
- Martha Stewart and ImClone founder Sam Waksal lunched at the Four Seasons at the same time last week, which was totes awks because they both went to jail for insider trading ImClone's stocks, which apparently wasn't that big of a deal, since they both regulars at the Four Seasons again. [P6]
- Remember yesterday's Beckham family beach romp photo op? All part of Victoria's new PR makeover, which has her posing with puppies and telling Glamour magazine "I'm a normal mum." Not only does nobody believe this, nobody wants to believe this. Cold impossibility is her charm. [DailyMail]
- Sandra Bullock's husband's porn star ex has been denied visitation righs to her six-year-old daughter who will be raised by Sandra and James instead. [Us]
- Prince Harry fell headfirst off his horse at a polo match. He escaped without injury but "appeared irate after the fall, angrily throwing down his mallet, ripping off his helmet and punching it." Given how ridiculously scary it must be to land on your head amid a stampede of horses and swinging mallets, I find this freak-out within reason, albeit embarrassing. [NYDN]
- Matt Damon is leaving the Bourne franchise. The fourth iteration of the spy thriller will be a prequel, starring someone new. Next for Matt: "I want a simple little human story. Something like Good Will Hunting or soething that's smaller like that." [ShowBizSpy]
- Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor kissed for the cameras while promoting I Love You Phillip Morris, in which they play a gay couple. Once the secret weapon of young, fameseeking females, red carpet same-sex kisses appear to have migrated to middle-aged male actors now, too. [Radar]