We're Still Waiting for the Answer to Cop Out's Greatest Mystery

A swear-filled trailer for Kevin Smith's cop comedy, starring Bruce Willis and manic genius and/or complete lunatic Tracy Morgan, actually made us laugh (dick jokes!), but one thing's missing: There's nary a glimpse of the funniest-looking thing about the movie.
When we first ran the photo of Morgan in a giant cellphone costume frantically pedaling a tricycle it was just about the only thing that could possibly make us want to see what we were convinced was going to be an otherwise terrible movie. Kevin Smith hasn't made a good film in well over a decade, and He's White, He's Black! buddy cop comedies haven't been funny in even longer than that. But that absurdist image! Oh it drew us in. And today this profane new trailer made us think that perhaps there are other funnies to be had — elicited mostly by the insane clown Morgan — but it doesn't elaborate on this precious and intriguing image at all. We see the costume, but not the bike. We suppose we'll just have to wait and, sigh, actually see the thing to find out just what the hell is going on there. In the meantime we're just going to go ahead and keep snickering like 13-year-olds at the crotch kicks and naughty words.