In your brainstorming Tuesday media column: better journalism through crack, a Bob Schieffer vacation, Hugh Hefner gets sued, a star-studded media kid bar mitzvah, and newspapers discover a rich new source of advertising.

On True/Slant, former Newsweek correspondent Michael Hastings says more journalists should smoke crack. Specifically: "I recommend it for all writers to try at least once, especially to New Yorker staffers. It's pretty good–it's crack, after all–and down the crack pipe went my first semester at college. But torching a crack rock is very different from typing a Tweet." What the fuck is he talking about? Read this whole thing and find out!

Looking for a vacation idea? Why not travel to Texas Christian University, where you can now view Bob Schieffer's Vietnam-era correspondence with fellow Fort Worth Star-Telegram employees? Hey, we asked you a question.

A Playboy shareholder has filed a lawsuit against Hugh Hefner alleging the old fucker has screwed shareholders along with his many creepy girlfriends. All future reporting on this story will feature some variation of that sentence.

Guess what CNBC president Mark Hoffman is getting his son for his bar mitzvah? That's right, a video featuring Brian Williams, Jim Cramer, and Derek Jeter, who will all presumably be doing something. Are they even Jewish? Mark Hoffman of CNBC, tenuous religious video-commissioner.

Newsroom staffers at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune pooled their own money and bought an ad in their own paper honoring the 1,000 of their colleagues that have been laid off since 2007. Perhaps this is the revenue stream that will save newspapers!