Today at Gawker.TV, watch the cast of Community find out they've been renewed, Jimmy Kimmel rounds up all of Hollywood's hotties, trouble over the world "caulk," and we rain on the parade by pointing out The Hurt Locker's obvious mistakes.

The Hurt Locker's Most Obvious Mistakes
Today it seems that everyone's excited for The Hurt Locker's big wins at last night's Oscars. Everyone except us, that is! We've gathered up the most glaringly obvious mistakes in the newly crowned "Best Picture" for your enjoyment.

Jimmy Kimmel Takes Us Inside the Secret World of the Handsome Man Club
Being handsome is not easy. You've constantly got people fawning over you, it's hard to find shirts that can properly contain your rippling muscles, and there's the constant threat of Matthew McConaughey usurping your authority.

Kathie Lee & Hoda's Bad Clothes Day
When two co-hosts show up wearing horribly clashing outfits, what's the best way to handle the situation? If you're the classy ladies of Today, you'd acknowledge it and insult each other within the first twelve seconds of going on air.

Watch the Cast of Community Find Out their Show has Been Renewed
Creator Dan Harmon was smart to gather his cast and secretly record their reactions. He started out by pretending they'd been canceled, but the video quickly progresses into huge celebrations when they discover they've picked up for a second season.

The Importance of Pronunciation: Cock vs. Caulk
Today on Regis and Kelly, Mark Consuelos figured out just how funny the word caulk is. Try calling up your Super and let him know you need him to "come over and caulk your tub." ...Exactly.