Anthony Bourdain has a big problem with food bloggers. He doesn't see why someone would want to eat food, document it, and then have other people view the results of that experience. Pot, meet kettle.

Anthony Bourdain picks and chooses who he likes. He likes cooks (like himself), he does not like people who analyze and critique food (like himself). In a very interesting No Reservations, Bourdain interviewed various real foodies that are maniacally obsessed with the likes of beef, cheese, fish and pork. Bourdain paid his respects to these masters in their respective culinary fields by eating the $26 Black Label Burger at Minnetta Tavern, locally caught fluke at Esca, and crispy pork belly at Kampuchea.

When things took a weird turn for the worse is when he decided to delve into the world of food blogging by interviewing three food obsessed members (now The founders, Jason Perlow and Steven Shaw, and former board member Steven Plotnicki. Bourdain claims that these three men are so obsessed with food, it's come to the point of disillusionment about what food actually means.

And in the middle the interviews with the each blogger, they each took out their cameras to photograph the food. This is where Bourdain, for some reason, berated them. He voiced serious disapproval when it comes to taking pictures of their food for the purposes of posting those photos to their blog. "It's like keeping a diary while you're having sex!" Wait, what? You're telling someone to sit there and enjoy their food instead of photographing it while you have a camera crew huddled around you, recording everything you say, do and eat? For some reason it's fine for Bourdain to host a TV show documenting his culinary experiences through various exotic locales, discussing the culture and food he is served, but when a blogger does it for the exact same reason, all of the sudden it's inexcusable? Perhaps if the blogger hired his own photographer out of pocket it would be tolerated by Bourdain? His stance on the subject is baffling.

Sometimes it's as simple as people enjoy taking pictures of the food they're eating, and then they go ahead and eat it. Someone needs to tell Bourdain that a dining experience does not necessarily always need to be a visceral exercise. Maybe he could look back on past episodes of No Reservations to figure that out.

[No Reservations]