Bar Rafaeli Should Dump Leo and Date a Nice Jewish Boy, Says Bubbe Mafia

Israeli nationalist organization Lehava "provides assistance to Jewish girls in relationships with non-Jews," helping "extricate" them from goyim relationships. Their latest target: Israeli supermodel and Leonardo DiCaprio girlfriend Bar Rafaeli.
The leader of Lehava (Hebrew for "flame" and an acronym for "Preventing Assimilation in the Holy Land") wrote a letter to Bar and sent it to her mother. The Los Angeles Times translates:
"It is not by chance that you were born Jewish," wrote Baruch Marzel in a letter he sent Refaeli through her mother (and that promptly appeared in the press). "Your grandmother and her grandmother did not dream that one of their descendants would one day remove the family's future generations from the Jewish people. Assimilation has forever been one of the enemies of the Jewish people."
This isn't personal, wrote Marzel, who was careful to open his letter stressing that he "has nothing against Mr. DiCaprio, who I have no doubt is a talented actor." Still, he implores Refaeli: "Come to your senses, look forward and back too — and not only the present. Don't marry Leonardo DiCaprio, don't harm the future generations."
Usually devoted to breaking up Jew-Arab relationships in the Holy Land (according to Lehava's Facebook page and Google Translate) Marzel is known to launch the occasional campaign against high-profile non-Jews who date chosen females. In other news, copying and pasting Hebrew text is highly confusing, on account of the whole right-to-left thing. [LAT] [Lehava] [Pic:]