She just can't forgive Tiger for sleeping with a porn actress. Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz reunited. Michael Jackson signs a deal from beyond the grave. Every New Yorker hates Brooke Shields. Tuesday's gossip is not taking it anymore.

  • Apparently the one thing that Elin Woods can't forgive Tiger for is that he slept with a porn star. All the other skanks are fine, but the fact that one of them got paid to have sex on camera just turns her stomach. She doesn't want to be thought of a lady who would do porn, but countless American men have already pictured the scenario in their minds. While the couple is trying to reconcile, apparently all of her discussions end with her saying repeated, "You slept with a porn star." Also, Elin isn't putting out until she can forgive Tiger, which is a long time coming. So, would she rather he turn to porn or porn stars? Hm? [RadarOnline
  • Justin Timberlake and his ex-girlfriend Cameron Diaz are co-starring in a movie called Bad Teacher. Sources we made up say Diaz says that's what Britney Spears was, because she had to completely re-educate Timberlake when they got together. What do you think "SexyBack" is all about? [People]
  • The Michael Jackson estate signed a $200-$250 million deal with Sony Music to distribute unreleased tracks that Jackson left behind after his death. They will also control his music catalog until 2017. $250 million is sure going to be buy a lot of blankets for those kids! [TMZ]
  • If you have ever been woken up at 6am thanks to construction noises then you have Brooke Shields to blame. The actress and former model is the cause for every jack hammer, every nail gun, and every flurry of hammering that has ever bothered the slumber of a New Yorker in the history of the city. OK, it's not that bad, but the people who live near her West Village home are pissed that she closed the sidewalk and construction workers are causing a ruckus renovating every morning starting at 6am. Somebody call Tom Cruise. Maybe he can stop her. [Gatecrasher]
  • Unsurprisingly, Snoop Dogg hates the smoking ban. Even if it's tabacy of the less wacky variety that he's trying to smoke indoors. Some people say that he was so sad about not being able to light up in da club, that he didn't party as hard as he usually does. Others say it's because he learned his lesson after a party gone bad last week and is now on his best behavior. No matter the cause, it's sad. We want our Snoop to be big pimpin' not straight limpin'. [Gatecrasher]
  • Bethenny Frankel's wedding invitations warn guests that they're going to be on camera during the nuptials. Really? It's such a shock that a woman filming a show called Bethenny's Getting Married? would actually film her wedding. It's so crass! [P6]
  • Charlie Sheen plead not guilty in an Aspen, Colorado, courtroom to charges that he attacked his wife Brooke Mueller. Now he's headed back to work on Two and a Half Men, but will spend nights in rehab. Really? Charlie, maybe you should just stay in rehab forever. Don't worry about the sitcom. No, really. You rest and get better and we'll just have to suffer without the program for awhile. No, really. It's fine. [People]
  • Heidi Montag brought her death mask of shame to the set of Just Go With It to film her "acting" debut. There are pictures. She is wearing next to nothing. She is officially a breathing Bratz! doll. [RadarOnline]
  • The real news about this item isn't that amateur DJ and professional boy toy Jesus Luz considers himself married to Madonna, it's that his mother, a Brazillian hairdresser, is 4 years younger than his girlfriend. [UK Mirror]

[Image via INF]