First, Desiree Rogers refused to acquiesce to Sally Quinn's demand that she be an old person from Georgetown. Then she let some losers into a party. Now we learn that she forgot to send Christmas cards to rich people!

The Politico reports this very important and totally real and not made-up story: Rogers was "pushed out" as White House Social Secretary because "the donors rose up," according to "a source close to the White House." The donors were mad, because "some of Obama's biggest fundraisers... didn't even get Christmas cards last year."

This terrible monster woman destroyed the entire Obama administration!

So. Point of this story: Desiree Rogers, White House Social Secretary, ignored elite DNC donors at Christmas time, leading to poor DNC fundraising. Here is a truly perfect "to be sure" paragraph:

To be sure, the DNC's fundraising is humming along at a record pace, bringing in about $30 million more than it did in 2005, the last midterm election season, and giving the committee a small (less than $1 million) but rare cash advantage over the Republican National Committee.

Meanwhile, it has occurred to no one that perhaps there were reasons other than not getting Christmas cards that "only 15" of "the 150 biggest fundraisers for the Obama campaign gave the maximum $30,400 to the DNC last year." Like a massive recession. Or maybe discontent with the DNC itself, which was not actually run by Desiree Rogers! Maybe some of the wealthiest contributors have decided to jump back on the GOP bandwagon? And Obama's self-imposed ban on donations from lobbyists could've hurt a bit too!

Or this fundraising crisis that does not actually exist is totally all because Desiree Rogers did not send a Christmas card to Rich Uncle Pennybags.