The Twitterati Hitch a Ride
Zach Klein and Megan McCarthy tried to hustle their way out of Austin; Brian Stelter and Ana Marie Cox wished bourbon on their audience; and Jeff Jarvis helped an old-media addict escape denial. South by Southwest changed the Twitterati.
(We're trying a gallery format for Twitterati to avoid the long process of making the header graphic. If you have feedback let us know.)

Boxee's Zach Klein tried to hitch a ride to the airport. Ever the aggregator, TechMeme's Megan McCarthy basically re-published his appeal, and virtually every other tech scenester at South by Southwest soon followed suit. Low airfares: They have a way of making taxi rides seem awfully expensive.

Internet consultant Jeff Jarvis talked a newspaperman down from the wall.

Ever the New York Timesman, Brian Stelter found a way to self-deprecatingly thank someone for her whisky without quite implying he'd actually drink it. His fellow panelist drank to that.

Now that she's no longer at the Times, Jennifer 8. Lee can reveal the truth: She's something of an email snob. Adjust your Knight Foundation grant applications accordingly.

SF Weekly's Alexia Tsotsis recently moved to Silicon Valley from Los Angeles, so she's not yet become numb to the groupthink and petty sniping. Give her time.
Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets — or send us more Twitter usernames.