Today at Gawker.TV, Kate Gosselin makes her Dancing debut, Neil Patrick Harris cannot take a bad photo, Anthony Bourdain visits the South of France, and GOP Chairman Michael Steele attempts to explain the "Fire Pelosi" website on The Early Show.

Kate Gosselin Does an Ironic Waltz to Billy Joel's "She's Always a Woman"
Last night's premiere of Dancing With the Stars was entertaining: Shannen Doherty cried her eyes out, Pam Anderson danced as though she was having sex, and Kate Gosselin laid it on thick as she played the pity card—hard.

HIMYM's Barney Can't Take a Bad Photo: The Tale of "The Unsinkable NPH"
Even a fan of How I Met Your Mother can get fed up listening to Lilly confront Ted Mosby about being a total Ted Mosby. If you find yourself just wanting to skip to the parts with Neil Patrick Harris, watch this!

Little Republican Tea Party Member Combines Anti-Health Care Talking Points With Musical Dreck
First of all—is this a joke? If this is a joke, then—HA! If this isn't a joke, the only explanation is the Tea Party is unveiling a hideous plot to create musically disinclined zombies to defeat health care.

GOP's "Fire Pelosi" Webpage is Still Ridiculous Even After Michael Steele "Taming"
On The Early Show, GOP Chairman Michael Steele explains that the party website featuring Nancy Pelosi in front of a wall of flames and the title "Fire Pelosi" is in no way extreme, and had to be "tamed... down."

Anthony Bourdain Lives the Life in Provence, France
Tonight, Anthony Bourdain traded in bull testicles and bizarre exotic dishes for boiled vegetables and Cotes du Rhone wines, taking in the impossible beauty of Provence.