Coonskin Caps: The Latest Fauxhemian Fashion Must-Have?
Recently, a few intrepid reporters from Gawker.TV wandered into that strange fauxhemian Shangri-La known as Brooklyn and what did our eyes behold? Coonskin caps on everyone – men and women, young and old!
With the popularity of flannel shirts and the rise of the urban woodsman, it's only appropriate that the look would take the next logical step into full-on Daniel Boone territory. I am no style expert, but it's not hard to see where this is going. Hipster logjam competitions? A Marc Jacobs fall line inspired by Johnny Appleseed? Ironically moving to Fargo, North Dakota? Who knows where the madness will end!

Maybe coonskin caps are the perfect fashion accessory for these troubled times, showing that even the humble raccoon can be elevated into something luxurious. Many of you wore your coonskins cocked to the side, proving that it's not hard to take a dated look and make it fierce!

Still, will it be long until Ed Hardy starts selling bedazzled coonskin hats at malls in New Jersey? Will the look be co-opted by the Snuggies n' Uggs crowd? Obviously, these are the important questions that one must consider before investing.

Some of the local shops in SoHo/Nolita are responding to the trend. These becoonskinned mannequins look like they're both ready for a night at 1 Oak and ready to chop down an oak tree:

Even Aziz Ansari got in on the act during last week's Parks & Recreation:
Vogue editor-at-large André Leon Talley loves him some coonskin:

And Marc Jacobs apparently just wants to put tails on everything! Tails everywhere!

What do you guys think? Are we on the frontier of a great new fashion trend? Will you log many hours wearing a coonskin? Or should we cabin this trend right now? Will we forget about this look in 2k11 like we forgot about the Alamo? Let us know in the comments!
Interviewers: Frank Cozzarelli, Zach Mack, Matt Toder
Camerawork: Matt Toder