The Blossom Kids Are Doing All Right

Two of that show's stars are tromping back onto television. Also today: a biopic gets a benefactor, Madonna makes a bad life choice, and aieee!!! Godzilla!!!
Casino Jack, in which Kevin Spacey plays notorious lobbyist turned fraud (is "turned" really the right word there?) Jack Abramoff, has found a US distributor. This hopefully means good things for my Christopher Walken as Bernie Madoff biopic. [Variety]
From way back on Friday comes the news that Mayim Bialik, star of the beloved '90s psychosexual thriller series Blossom, is rejoining the TV world! Well, OK, she's already been guesting on shows like 'Til Death and The Secret Life of the American Teenager recently, but no one in the history of television has ever actually watched either of those programs, so they don't count. She's now maybe going to recur on a real show, The Big Bang Theory. I mean, it's not that real, because it's part of that odious CBS comedy block (How I Met Your Quickie Flashback, Jenna Elfman On Purpose), but lots of people watch it. She's going to play the love interest of Sheldon, the gay turtle character, in the season finale and then might come back in the fall. [THR]
Remember when that book Freakonomics came out and everyone was like so crazy for it, with the apple that's the orange and all that? Well then it became a whole thing, with a blog on and a movie. That movie — which I wish was somehow fictionalized like Fast Food Nation, but is not — will be the closing show at this year's Tribeca Film Festival. So you thought that the zenith of the Freakonomics fad had passed, but you were wrong. It's only just begun. Freaky! [Variety]
Aha. Resurrected actress Teri Hatcher has teamed up with Disney to start a new television series, because she's an actress website. It's going to be called (like her name) and will be all about parenting and stuff. So sorry, oddly out-of-date perv. You're not going to get Hatcher'd in the way the name might suggest. It's good clean fun. It's Disney. [THR]
Apparently Madonna plans to cast her oldest daughter Lourdes in her next directorial project, W.E.. So that ought to end well. [Playlist]
Because Roland Emmerich's unfortunate attempt in 1998 was such a success, Legendary Pictures is going to roll out a brand new big-budget Godzilla movie. Oohhh what'll it be like?? Will it be hip and ironic and self-referentially campy (but not in a gay way)? Will it be deadly serious with lots of grim portent and environmental commentary? Will it be both? All we can say is keep Matthew Broderick far away from it. And Roland Emmerich. Just keep everyone away from it. [Variety]
ABC Family has pulled back the curtain on their fabulous summertime programming, which includes the books-to-TV series Pretty Little Liars (it's about Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean fighting crime in miniskirts) and a new series from Winnie "My So-Called Life & Wicked (wrote the book of the musical)" Holzman. Yeah, it's a weird middle name. She's, y'know, ethnic. Oh plus there's Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence's new sitcom, the enigmatically titled Melissa & Joey. Now we just need to get David Lascher some work and we have ourselves a trend. Hey Dude: Redux perhaps. [THR]