Club Damani, known by day as Harambee Charter School, offers dancing, drinking, rapping, and an expired liquor license. State officials aren't happy about this. But they should relax, because the club's in-house performer says, "Yo, I got that weed."

The school has around 450 students, between kindergarten and eighth grade, and aims to "instill identity, purpose and direction in [its] students." And that's not all. These kids can come to school on Monday mornings and maybe even have a treasure hunt waiting for them! According to the AP:

Neighbors also are upset about the situation, said city Controller Alan Butkovitz. He said he has received complaints about discarded drug packaging and liquor bottles near the club."

But that's only part of the club's charm. says of Damani: "Get there early and stay late; it's the kind of place where you can have amazing drinks and then stay for the nightlife." Make sure you do stay late, because you might even catch a performance by rapper AshyLBowz… all the way live from the 2-1-5!