John Stamos and The Beach Boys rocked out on last night's Dancing With the Stars, performing a medley that included "California Girls" and "Kokomo." Last night's performance and the clip from that retro Full House episode inside!

The medley sounded fantastic, but Stamos stole the show by playing multiple instruments and being the default youngest-and-most-attractive guy on the stage. Oh, and there was also dancing:

Seriously, am I the only one who thinks the man is a national treasure and should be back either on TV or in a band of his own? And just because it's been brought up: Does this mean The Beach Boys are relevant again? Is John Stamos relevant again? Were either of them ever not relevant? Why do pop culture fanatics feel the need to deem everything "relevant," anyway?

For posterity's sake, here's The Beach Boys' classic performance from Full House's Season 2 episode, "Beach Boy Bingo." [via YouTube]