Or something! The troubled artist went on a little crazy Twitter spree today, complaining that her horrible father Michael (who she just calls "Someone") used to "psychically" abuse her. We're pretty sure she meant "physically," but who knows! Here, read:

And then later...

That top tweet has been removed from her little Twitter page, so I guess that means she listened to her pops.

So yay for all of this! Who knows what sparked this most recent adorable father/daughter spat, though we're guessing it has something to do with this. Yes, Michael thinks Lindsay needs rehab. Though clearly he hasn't been reading her Twitter. Just this morning she talked about waking up with the birds and finally getting some rest. And look, here she was last night enjoying a brief jaunt on the town.

See, she was sleeping in the car. Maybe she lives in the car!

April Fool's, guys.

[Car pic via Splash, other pics via hell]