Not only did he return to the internet today, Ben Bluett-MillsPeaches Geldof pornographer and Reddit commenter of infamy—joined the Gawker commentariat and wrote us two emails. One was about youthful folly. The other was about his penis.

Following Eli Roth's open letter to Ben's mother—in which the Inglorious Basterds actor and boyfriend of Peaches impugned Ben and his family—Williamsburg's most notorious flesh-suspension enthusiast returned to Reddit, the forum where he first posted Peaches' naked pics. And then he finally responded to our requests for comment:

I'll think about an interview, and if I get enraged enough to dive down to a 13 year old girls mentality of letter writing you'll be the first one to know about it (well maybe after Reddit). Yes I am back on Reddit, and I'm also a Gawker commenter (sweet!). I don't think things will be much different on Reddit, except now I will watch what I publish. I could care less what commenter's on Reddit, Gawker, or any other website say. Honestly I'm just a 23 year old guy living my life. You're the first person I've contacted about this because I like your snarky editorials and Gawker is a pretty cool website. People just need to realize I'm young, and that young people make mistakes and like to have fun. People can hate all they want for what I've done and what I do, but the way I see it I'm living life to my fullest and enjoying it while I can. If Eli gets back to you I would like his email so I can send him a letter saying how I truly feel about his childish antics. And tell him I'm serious about a cage match. He's beefier than me and probably has a Hollywood trainer, but I am willing to get beat up by a tattletale 15 years my senior. A guy must have pride, you know?

Ben Mills

I wrote back to confirm his comment handle, and figured it was my big chance to ask the single most burning question on everybody's minds: the controversial matter of the "Big Ben" penis tattoo. POIDH?

Thanks Ben, glad to be in touch. This you?…

While I've got your attention, I have to ask. The penis tattoo: True? And, if you're not willing to give us a picture, can you at least describe—how big, what font, SUPER painful or just somewhat painful?

He either thought "how big" referred to the actual penis (as opposed to the tattoo, which is what I meant) or has a pervy sense of humor.

Yes that's my gawker profile. And now that you have my attention: tattoo? Yes it is true and very real. A youthful folly when I believed punchline tattoos were funny (I also have the unfortunate and ironic hipster mustache tattoos on 3 of my fingers). As for size? I don't know I'd say I'm about average. You can probably track down a few of my past lovers and get them to comment. The font is a basic tattoo font. Also between where it says "Big Ben" is a diamond. Which was a funny-at-the-time tribute to a good friend. I'm pretty sure some pictures are already floating around of it, and I'm glad no one has found them. I would be more then happy to show you in person if you'd like.


Thanks, but I think I'll have to pass. See you on the comment boards, thatcoolguyben!

Previously: Big Ben, Peaches Geldof's Pornographer, Returns to the Internet
Eli Roth Tattles to Peaches Pornographer Big Ben's Mother