Tea-Bagging Celebrities Are Balls Out Crazy
Ah, the tea-baggers! America's latest crazy political offshoot group—and, thanks to a growing number of celebrity members, the most entertaining one, too. Here, we showcase the most popular and outstandingly ridiculous celebrity tea baggers.
Chuck Norris: Obama is the Antichrist Crazy
Chuck Norris, the Walker Texas Ranger star and Total Gym hustler is back in the spotlight. When hes not "counting to infinity" or "watching 60 Minutes in 20 minutes," Norris is pushing a new book and showcasing his topnotch absurdity and super right wing values by gracing shows like Fox News' Huckabee and Fox News Live. Watch this interview closely and be sure to note the immense irony of this pro-lifer having animal skin furniture (presumably killed by Norris himself). Alas, Norris just turned 70 this year, so perhaps he has a right to be a grumpy, delusional old man.
Ted Nugent: Gun Fever Crazy
Former sex addict and gun enthusiast Ted Nugent is the kind of crazy that could (and might) lead a revolt against the United States for the secession of Texas as an independent nation. This video shows Nugent shredding his axe and speaking at a Tea Party rally, and there's nothing those guys love more than shredding guitars and guns. Oh, besides Glenn Beck.
Victoria Jackson: Loose Screw Crazy
Former Saturday Night Live cast member and Comedy Central stand-up regular Victoria Jackson is the type of crazy that stalks her ex-boyfriend for years after they break up, and then stalks her ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriends years after they too break up. She has recently been in the spotlight for her involvement in the Tea Party movement as well as for her recent comments on Fox News about how she thinks Obama is a communist. Being too right wing for Fox news—now, that is extreme.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Delusional Crazy
Uber-conservative View host Elisabeth Hasselbeck hasn't ever come right out and endorsed the Tea Party movement—that would be bad for her career—but she has gotten very defensive when the topic has been discussed on her show, even going as far as trying to justify the blatant racism and homophobia that has emanated from certain tea baggers.
Jon Voight: Senile Crazy
Jon Voight is a well known Hollywood conservative. It is no surprise, then, that he would shoot a public service announcement for the Conservative Caucus. In this video, Voight reminds you to "do your responsible citizenship" and clean the nation up. Is Voight crazy? Perhaps he's just so senile that he thinks he's shooting a commercial for Liberty National or Ensure.