There's been an Apple-powered coup in British grade schools, reports the Daily Mail: Students were enlisted to spy on teachers via iPhone; drunk on power and song, students demanded "a teacher applying for promotion... sing Michael Jackson's 'Bad'." And then?

The teacher declined, and "failed to get the job after refusing." Separately, "pupils interviewed a man and two women teachers for a job before voting for the woman they thought was the prettier." These tales come courtesy British teachers' unions, who don't like how children are being enlisted to rate their performance, and have a powerful story with which to lure press coverage: iPhones, the ever-buzzy devices that were supposedly given to 20 anonymous students at one school for "quality assurance week" in which they would weigh in anonymously on their teachers during class. This story comes via the always-reliable tabloid Daily Mail, so brace for the coming stateside children's revolution, once Apple gets the iPhone-like iPad into enough American classrooms.

(Pic: Courosa on Flickr)