The Post caught up with Oprah Winfrey yesterday and asked her if she planned to take a paternity test to determine whether the man who claims he's her dad is really her father.

Winfrey snapped at the Post reporter outside the Four Seasons yesterday when asked if she'd submit to a DNA test to confirm whether Norh Robinson, an 84-year-old Navy veteran, is the man who fathered her.

"I will not be taking a paternity test, ever!" she told them.

That Winfrey is on a short fuse is hardly surprising. Last week, Crown released celebrity profiler Kitty Kelley's unauthorized biography of the media queen in which Kelley claims that one of Oprah's cousins, Katharine Esters, confided to her the identity of Oprah's real father.

But a story in the Mississippi Clairon Ledger now reports that Esters regrets ever granting Kelley an interview: "I'm sorry this book portraying her falsely was ever written and that I participated by answering questions."

Kelley, meanwhile, has written on her blog that she thinks Esters has "come under some pressure," and that she'll seek a waiver from her promising not to reveal the identity of Winfrey's dad:

I will have my representatives contact Ms. Esters to formally request that she release me from my promise to her not to reveal the identity of Ms. Winfrey's father, which she shared with me in her home on July 30, 2007. If Ms. Esters agrees, I will write a personal letter to Oprah Winfrey and share with her all the information which Ms. Esters gave to me.

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