In your familial Monday media column: Theo Wenner gets himself a magazine job, headlines that sell, the most powerful woman in newspapers, teevee people speak to college kids about teevee things, and newspapers muddle about.

  • Humorous first sentence illustrating the benefits of nepotism—"Chalk it up to nepotism, cost cutting or just good genes, but aspiring photographer Theo Wenner, son of Jann, is getting a lot of work from Rolling Stone these days."—gives way to bleak second sentence illustrating the sad fact that there's always a catch: "In recent months, the 23-year-old has photographed Ke$ha, MGMT and Corinne Bailey Rae for the biweekly."
  • Will Clicking This Link Really Get You a Free Blow Job?
  • Peter Lauria asks rhetorically if the FT's new US editor Gillian Tett is "The Most Powerful Woman in Newspapers?" No, she is not. That would be Wendi Murdoch.
  • Dang near every teevee show host on the teevee was chosen to be a graduation at some crappy college or other, running the ideological gamut from Glenn Beck at Liberty U to Rachel Maddow at Smith College. Kids, grow up to be a teevee host or sorry, life's not gonna be too sweet.
  • Ha, the editor of the Denver Post instructs his staff, "if you think there is boring stuff in the paper, call it out." Responded the staff, "[JOKE]."

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