MTV reality star and socialite Olivia Palermo is 24 and still a sophomore at The New School. We hear she doesn't pay much attention in class. Maybe that's why she's still in school! Oh, and she hates us.

Between taping episodes for MTV, "working" at Elle, and blogging for rival Vogue, it seems like Olivia spends more time in the media than studying the media, which is her major. And she should know a lot about it by now, since she's been attending classes in one way or another since 2007.

According to a tipster, who is in one of her Media Studies classes at the Eugene Lang College of The New School, "The entire school is embarrassed by her presence here. With the exception of a few who relentlessly try and kiss her ass, most of us just try and ignore her and hope she'll go away." This isn't the first time she's been accused of shirking her academic responsibilities. The tipster adds that Olivia usually spends most of each lecture thumbing through her Blackberry, which isn't that uncommon among college students these days.

Because she's so busy fielding mean emails from Elle honcho Erin Kaplan, she doesn't say much in class, but during her last class of the yesterday, she had plenty to say regarding one topic: the evils of Gawker.

We ended up talking about internet porn (yeah, this is pretty on par for a Lang course) when a student brought up the recent Gawker article with Steve Jobs and his stance on porn and the iPad when Olivia decides to open her mouth. This was more or less the first time I've heard her speak and she really let loose going off on a tirade about the evils of Gawker. It was mostly just irrelevant banter, but I can quote her saying she has "zero respect" for Gawker... The class bit their tongues but we all knew she was just pissed at Gawker for portraying her as the bitch she is.

Aw, Liv, right back at you, baby. In more important news, we hear that she's almost always wears a killer outfit to class. That's got to be worth a few extra points on her GPA.

[Image via Bauer-Griffin]