Sarah Palin Says She'd Consider Running for President

It's difficult to judge, because she's so vain and blithering and not know does language English to use how. But she may, on Fox News Sunday, have made a tentative move towards a presidential run.
Via Mike Allen at Politico: anchor Chris Wallace asked her about her presidential ambitions. She said this:
It really comes down to it's not being about me, or what I want, or what I predict is gonna happen. ... [I]f the voters of America are in the mood for a kind of unconventional, candid, honest public servant — it doesn't necessarily have to be me — but if that's what they're in the mood for, they're going to let that be known, and they're going to help really propel and push that candidate forward, and then that candidate, of course, will make the decision whether to run or not. Don't know if that's going to me, Chris. ... As I've always said, I'm not going to close any door that perhaps would be open.
Backward ran sentences until reeled the mind. But, as far as we can make out, this amounts to the classic, coy, vain 'I would not seek to serve for me, but if the country needs me...' precursor to a run for office in 2012.