You know what someone should do something about? All those Muslims who are desperate to escape their religion but just haven't found the courage to do it because Islam is so violent. Luckily this blogger woman will save the day!

Pamela Geller is an Upper West Side conservablogger who is friends with Ann Coulter and once video-blogged an incredible Zionist rant while swimming in a bikini in Israel. She used to work for the New York Observer and runs a blog called Atlas Shrugs. Now she wants to help Muslims escape from Islam with a new series of ads that she paid $8,000 to put on the sides of MTA buses. They say: "Leaving Islam? Death fatwa on your head? Is your family threatening you?" And then they provide a website the Muslim can visit——and then Pamela Geller will swoop down in an American Flag bikini and machine gun away all the murderous Imams who are keeping this Muslim person in a religion that is so full of hate and repression.

For some reason, many Muslims are offended that Pamela Geller wants to help them in this way. But, as Geller points out, there's nothing offensive about the ads at all! "It's not targeted at practicing Muslims," she tells the AP. "It doesn't say 'leave,' it says 'leaving' with a question mark." It's just a question, do Muslims hate freedom of speech? Is it because Muslims are violent freedom haters? See how that wasn't offensive? (Although the title of is, in fact, "Leave Islam".)

Still, some Muslims are calling these new ads "a smoke screen for an anti-Muslim agenda." Muslims! Sure, Geller runs an organization called "Stop Islamization of America," (LOL). But that is clearly an anti-Islamization of America organization. Or are these Muslims pro Islamization of America? (Did you see, again, how that wasn't offensive?) We salute you, Pamela Geller, in your noble quest to save Muslims from the violent death religion that is Islam. Or are you a hateful person? [NYDN][AP]