Second Guy Alleges Affair With South Carolina Tea Party Candidate

Yet another man has come forward to allege he had an affair with South Carolina Tea Party candidate for governor Nikki Haley (pictured, with pal Sarah). This guy was a lobbyist with Haley's rival. Best dirty trick ever?
Just last month, shady S.C. Republican blogger Will Folks came out and said he'd had an affair with Haley in 2007, which Haley vehemently denied, saying she'd been faithful throughout her marriage. And now:
Lobbyist Larry Marchant admitted he had no proof to back up his allegation of a one-night stand with state Rep. Nikki Haley in 2008, and her campaign vehemently denied the allegation...Earlier in the day, Marchant had resigned from the campaign of Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, who is competing with Haley for the GOP nomination in the June 8 primary.
If you can't beat em in the polls, have one of your lobbyists resign and claim he had an affair with your opponent? Larry Marchant, to be perfectly clear here, was working for Nikki Haley's opponent until yesterday. He's quite the dedicated employee. Then again, everybody knows that respectable married moms in the Tea Party are total undercover sex monsters, so who knows. One thing is for sure: If you're a lobbyist in South Carolina, be prepared to fuck for the cause (or say you did).
[Pic: AP]