Wisconsin Diaper Thief Gets Off Easy

Dillon Makuski, a 20-year-old diaper fetishist, was given 30 months probation, 200 hours of community service, and must undergo a psycho-sexual examination for stealing dirty diapers from someone's home. He was arrested with six soiled diapers in his pockets.
The Stevens Point Journal reports that Makuski entered the home because he enjoys wearing diapers and he had no luck perusing the trash cans outside.
Assistant District Attorney Veronica Isherwood said her biggest concern with the case was the motive behind Makuski going into a home searching for diapers, and his lack of answers to investigators.
"But that just indicates to me the need for help," Isherwood said.
The judge in the case, Portage County Circuit Court Judge Frederic Fleishauer, ordered Makuski to get help without serving jail time, saying, "I don't think your circumstance has demonstrated that need."
[Image via AP]