Anthony Weiner was such a strong liberal congressman during the health care debate, pushing from the left and building a national brand! But things are back to normal now, and he's returned to his permanent New York City mayoral campaign.

Weiner joined other brave New York liberals like Charlie Rangel and Carolyn Maloney in Times Square today for a press event put on by the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, to discuss the flotilla incident. Which "side" do you think the New York speakers came down on? Do you think that Anthony Weiner, who declined to run for mayor last year but probably has his eye dead-set on 2013, had a nuanced take on any incident involving Israel?

Do watch this clip, for it is comical. Weiner describes a Hypothetical Situation. Suppose a so-called "aid boat," filled with the worst of bloodthirsty terrorists, was being deployed from Yemen (Yemen? Sure let's go with "Yemen") and coming for America, to unleash its horrible, horrible hatred. What if it was coming right "towards Queens, or Brooklyn," Weiner suggests. "Let's assume it was coming toward New Jersey or Florida."

These are some interesting assumptions. Are there certain clusters of people in New Jersey or Florida, Anthony Weiner, who might be targeted by this hypothetical band of Yemeni death monsters?

Weiner was more delightful when he just kept on saying "Medicare for all!" on television every morning. He should end this fearmongering bullshit and go back to that.