Following President Obama's address tonight regarding the Gulf oil spill, Bill O'Reilly welcomed level-headed genius Sarah Palin on the Factor, and Palin said that Obama's top priority is to "use this crisis to increase the cost of energy." Videos inside.

Here's the "money shot" of the segment, in which Palin said that stopping the leak should be the nation's number one priority (um, duh), before continuing with, "We need to make sure that all technology is thrown at this problem... we haven't had the assurance by the President that that has been his top priority. Instead, what his top priority is, Bill, is cap and tax. It is using this crisis, not letting it go to waste, but to use this crisis to increase the cost of energy."

Before Palin accused Obama of not making an end to the leak his top priority, she had some overall thoughts about his speech. Naturally, they were just as fair and astute as her previous ones (she has a "beef" with Obama for not acknowledging that we need "the conventional sources of energy to be drilled here").

And finally, how would Palin stop the leak? Well, let her tell you! Except not, because all she did was go on and on about what Obama should have done, but didn't. For starters: she'd call up "the Norwegian," who are known for "dikes."

Le sigh.

[The O'Reilly Factor]