Andy Cohen's self-indulgent train wreck, Watch What Happens Live, contained two surprises tonight. First, Real Housewife Danielle Staub performed her new single—a duet with Lori Michaels—and was... good? Then, Staub kinda/sorta/maybe came out as a lesbian. Videos inside.

First, here's Staub and Michaels' duet of the former's new single (seriously, how many more of these women are going to attempt singing careers?), called "Real Close." Shocker: maybe my standards are just low at this point, but Staub actually wasn't that bad. What say you?

It was the post-performance interview that contained the segment's biggest surprise, though, as—after a question from Cohen—Staub didn't deny that she and Michaels may be a couple. Which is to say, Staub didn't deny that she was a lesbian (I wonder what her male sex tape partner has to say about that).

Again, what say you?

[Watch What Happens Live]