Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Heidi Klum critiques Jimmy Fallon's past red carpet outfits, Landon Donovan proves to be very likable, Jersey Shore does Twilight, and Alex Trebek sings in autotune in a new Jeopardy category.

Stephen Colbert Helps Glenn Beck Compare Himself to Martin Luther King Jr.
For those not in the know, Glenn Beck has a rally planned in DC on the same date and location of Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech. See how far your jaw can drop by watching this clip.

Heidi Klum Critiques Jimmy Fallon's Past Red Carpet Fashions
Heidi Klum was on Jimmy Fallon last night and the host wistfully submitted to letting her dissect his past red carpet fashions. Turns out the SNL alum stumbled upon some forward-thinking trends, but not enough to stem the fashionista's criticisms.

Alex Trebek Sings Entire Jeopardy! Category in Autotune
This is one of those videos you find yourself watching more than once in disbelief that it's actually real. To save you the struggle... yes, this came from an episode of Jeopardy and yes, that's Alex Trebek singing in autotune.

Landon Donovan is Just Happy That Americans Like Soccer Now
Landon Donovan's interview on this morning's Early Show was everything you'd expect: shout-outs to YouTubes, an overly enthusiastic Harry Smith and exclamations of 'Dude!' Yet Donovan is repping the US and its nice to know he's pretty grounded.

The Cast of Jersey Shore Remake Twilight for Guidos
Last night on Jimmy Kimmel's Twilight-themed extravaganza, he asked the unthinkable: what would happen if R Pattz, K Stew, and the ever-shirtless Taylor Lautner were replaced with the guidos and guidettes of Jersey Shore?