Tonight, Chris Brown (yes, him) performed a "tribute" to Michael Jackson at the BET Awards. After a few minutes of showing off his dance moves, Brown got ~emotional~ and, in turn, transformed the tribute into something obnoxiously self-serving. Video inside.

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Yeah, it was that bad. And I'm not the only one who thought so, either. If you were on Twitter during Brown's performance, you'd have seen a literal tidal wave of tweets decrying Brown, including the following by blogger Rich Juzwiak:

The perfect tribute is to oneself, OBVIOUSLY. Way to make it about you, you big fucking baby. What a piece of shit Chris Brown is.less than a minute ago via web

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Rich Juzwiak

Followed by:

Chris Brown is always awful. In that respect, he fails to disappoint.less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

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Rich Juzwiak

That pretty much sums it up, no?