In her moment of need, LiLo looked to her mother, and her mother called a camera crew. Mel Gibson's ex says he knocked her teeth out with his fist. Chris Brown cried in public. Don't call Monday gossip a comeback.

  • Lindsay Lohan's desperation has resulted in Dina Lohan's dream: The entire Lohan family (minus Michael of course) is working on a new, currently unnamed reality TV show. Dina's old show, Living Lohan, featured daughter Ali and youngest brother Cody. (Middle child Michael Jr. keeps a low profile. Does this new show mean he's ready to go public as a Lohan? There should be some kind of 12-step program for that.) In Living Lohan, Lindsay existed as a specter, someone everyone talked about constantly even as she avoided them. This time around LiLo apparently has no choice but to "appear in some episodes." Every time Lindsay's down in the dumps, Dina gets her claws in under the guise of maternal care—and then Lindsay somehow ends up letting Dina tag along clubbing, or appearing in a TV show like this. [P6, image via Splash]
  • Oksana Grigorieva's jihad against ex-husband Mel Gibson is getting ugly. Or, his treatment of her was ugly, depending who we believe: Oksana's friends say Mel once punched her so hard he knocked out her teeth and gave her a concussion. Mel's people say he didn't hit her, but did get pissed when he caught her shaking their baby. They both have restraining orders against each other. Mel's lawyers say Oksana just has "buyer's remorse" over her divorce agreement with Mel, and she concurs: "He is not paying me a penny. Nothing." [TMZ, TMZ, TMZ]
  • Breaking: Victoria Beckham's hair is long again. Remember when having long hair meant you had to grow it? Everything was gradual back then: Hair growth, weight loss, non-electronic mail. #nostalgia [DailyMail]
  • The theme of last night BET Awards: Comebacks. Kanye West had somehow avoided TV appearances for an entire year, since his Taylor Swift debacle, until now, and T.I. made his first post-prison appearance. But the big event was Chris Brown, breaking into tears during the Michael Jackson medley. The song that started the waterworks: "Man in the Mirror." Naturally, the critics savaged him, calling him self-serving and a fraud. Does Chris still think he can redeem himself? Or has he resigned himself to being America's official whipping boy—our designated object for exorcisms, blame, and collective Schadenfreude? Maybe public crying is his new career. [AP, TMZ, Watch Chris cry at Gawker.TV]
  • Solidifying this year's BET Awards as year of the comeback: People who didn't need comebacks, because they are already on top, skipped out. Beyonce, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna were no-shows despite winning awards. [AP]
  • Zelda Kaplan, "New York's oldest and most beloved socialite" recently celebrated her 94th birthday with a posh party at a Manhattan club. She announced to the assembled glitterati that she still "parties till dawn." Now this is a lady whose reality show I'd watch. [P6]
  • Teen tennis star Jennifer Capriati is all grown up, and troubled. The 1992 Olympic gold medalist was hospitalized after an apparent drug overdose yesterday. [TMZ]
  • Everyone's fighting drug tests these days: Supermodel Stephanie Seymour landed in court for skipping one, but her drug tests weren't even a condition of probation or anything—they were a voluntary tenet of her custody agreement with polo star ex-husband Peter Brant. Who knew you could use the judicial system that way? It's like people who wear rubberbands around their wrists, to snap whenever they make a mistake, but the entire judicial system instead of a rubberband, and court appearances instead of fleeting pain to the wrist. [P6]
  • The sale of Michael Jackson went better than expected. His famous crystal-studded glove earned $190,000 at auction this weekend. Auctioners thought it'd only go for $30K or so. [E!]