Should Public Libraries Expose the Names of Porn Fiends?

Public libraries in the internet age have become less about books and more about free porn and librarian sex. But one Massachusetts lawmaker is on a mission to stop it, by publicly shaming people caught watching porn on library computers.
Quincy, Massachusetts Councilor Daniel Raymondi told The Patriot Ledger that he has sent a resolution to the mayor asking for names of anyone caught watching porn in the library so their names can be made available to the public. Currently, the Quincy library has a three strike policy, where a person needs to be caught watching porn three times before they are banned. One teen complained that he saw a man masturbating at a library computer, evidence that was used last year to ban level three sex offenders from libraries.
The director of the Quincy public library, Ann McLaughlin, said that "two or three times a year" her staff has to speak to patrons about watching porn. She also points out that library information is protected under the law:
Library records have a different protection under the law. Access to what people check out from the library is excluded under the law, so if the police come (looking for that information), they need to bring a subpoena."
It's nice to know that that someone is defending the privacy of library records. But seriously, who the hell jerks off at the library? Oh. This guy does.
[Image via Getty]