Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Steve Carell talks about his decision to leave The Office, Ricky Gervais gives Louis CK a not-so-professional rectal exam, and Lauren Conrad stops by to help Kathy and Maggie Griffin start a clothing line.

Steve Carell Discusses His Decision to Leave The Office
Steve Carell stopped the Today Show to chat with Meredith and promote his new movie, Despicable Me. He goes on to discuss the reasons for leaving his hit show and how he wants to end his tenure as Michael Scott.

Lauren Conrad Helps Kathy Griffin's Mother Create Her Own Brand of Muumuu's
Because Kathy has begun remodeling her home, she and Maggie decide to start a line of muumuus for the casual boxed-wine drinker. When it comes to fashion & branding, who would be better to help than The Hills' Lauren Conrad?

Ricky Gervais Rectally Examines Louis CK
On last night's Louie, Louis CK goes to an acquaintance's medical practice for a check-up. Things get weird when Louis finds that the doctor, played by Ricky Gervais, needs a refresher on the AMA courtesy guidelines.

Alison Haislip Hams it Up on Attack of the Show
While pinch-hitting for Olivia Munn on Tuesday's Attack Of The Show, Alison Haislip schools us all in the fine art of graciously taking a compliment.

The Curious Case of the Refugee Rodent
Here's video of a mounty arresting two people in Burnaby, BC last week as their RABID TERRIER tears at his leg. That's not the weird part. At :35 in, it seems a rodent disappears inside one suspect's... ass?