Two More Masseuses Report Al Gore Penis Massages

Just when Al Gore's "crazed sex poodle" masseuse assault allegations were waning, the National Enquirer digs up two more masseuses who say Gore propositioned them. Or, more precisely, "pointed at his erect penis and ordered her, 'Take care of THIS.'"
Someone should tell Al "massage therapist" doesn't mean what he thinks it does. The new accusations took place a hotel in Beverly Hills (where Gore stayed to attend the Oscars) and a hotel in Tokyo. The "crazed sex poodle" incident, you will recall, took place in Portland, Oregon. According to his accusers, the former vice president has a habit of whipping off his towel and standing around naked, brandishing his penis like it is a hanging chad, and masseuses are election judges. [National Enquirer, photo via Getty]