We all know Homer Simpson is a big fan of food, but it's really not until you lay his daily food intake out onto a single table that you get an idea of how much of a glutton he is.

Check out table spreads of an average day's worth of nourishment for Homer Simpson, the Seinfeld cast and Garfield the cat. Note: these are very rough estimates based on evidence found in each show. Also, the real-life image that inspired this post is worth checking out.

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Suggested daily calories for Homer are based on recommended caloric intake for 1 middle-aged man with weight of 300 lbs. See below for a complete breakdown of calories for each item.

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J = Jerry, K = Kramer, G = George, E = Elaine, A = All

Suggested daily calories are based on recommended caloric intake for one middle-aged woman with weight of 130 lbs. (2,000 cals.), one middle-aged man with weight of 150 lbs. (2,200 cals.), one middle-aged man with weight of 180 lbs. (2,200 cals.) and one middle-aged man with weight of 220 lbs. (2,300 cals.). See below for a complete breakdown of calories for each item.

Suggested daily calories for Garfield are based on recommended caloric intake for one 8-lb. cat. See below for a complete breakdown of calories for each item.

Homer Simpson Calories Breakdown:
Family size chips – 3600, Nuts and Gum – 950, Powerbar – 9, Hot dog – 280, 64 slices of cheese – 6400, 12 beers – 1740, 2 burgers (Big Mac) – 800, 3 large fries – 1200, 2 slurpees – 360, 13 donuts – 4,250, half pig – 3,000, bowl of mashed potatoes – 690, green been casserole – 1000, floor pie (2 slices) – 650

Seinfeld Cast Calories Breakdown:
Cheerios – 220 (2 cups), Grapefruit – 100, Bagel – 230, 2 Muffin tops – 560, Pot of coffee (10 cups) – 10, Oh Henry bar – 263, 1 Peach – 35, 2 Cantaloupe slices – 50, Cheese- 1060, Jujy Fruits – 240, 7 Snapples 1050, 1 Bosco drink – 837, 1 Bowl Soup – 140, 2 slices marble rye – 160, Tuna sandwich – 288, Calzone – 800, Big salad – 200, Black & White Cookie – 430, Junior Mints – 170, Eclaire – 300, Chocolate Babka (1 slice) – 440, Roasted chicken – 600, Kung Pao Chicken – 800, Gyro – 630

Garfield Calories Breakdown:
Cat Food (two servings) – 1200, Coffee: 4 calories, Cake – 1800, Lasagna (8 servings) – 580

Most calorie estimates were taken from fitday.com. Recommended calorie intakes were calculated from here.

Republished with permission from Pleated-Jeans. Read the original post here.

Jeff Wysaski is a freelance writer and humorist. His humor blog – Pleated-Jeans – has been featured on numerous high-profile websites, including Neatorama, GraphJam and Gorilla Mask. He has also been a content contributor for such online magazines as Guyism and Coed Magazine. Jeff lives in Los Angeles and enjoys eating sandwiches.