The backers of the "Ground Zero" "Mosque"—a proposed Muslim community center in an old Burlington Coat Factory building—say they'll include a 9/11 memorial in their building. So every posturing idiot, shut up please. What's that, Abe Foxman?

Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League said [Daisy Khan, a partner in the proposed building's] statements on transparency, inclusiveness and healing don't address the central point of his group's opposition: that the location of the center is insensitive to the families of the Sept. 11 victims. "If you want to heal us, don't do it in our cemetery"

How about in the cemetery of all the Muslims who were 9/11 victims? Would that be okay? Only if it's okay with Abe Foxman, guys.

[WSJ. Pic: AP]