The Yearbook Photos of Your Favorite TV Reporters
Anchors/reporters are the celebrities of the news business: a bunch of familiar faces that sometimes won't stop talking. But can you name the newscasters before they became famous? Test your knowledge of these TV mainstays with their yearbook photos, inside.
Many of these snapshots may not be cringe-worthy enough for, but let's just say there are quite a few interesting fashion/hair choices in the bunch. Onward to the gallery (answers to the right of each photo).

Peter Jennings

Katie Couric

Megyn Kelly

Bill O' Reilly

Bill O'Reilly

Glenn Beck

Rush Limbaugh

Geraldo Rivera

John Roberts

Meredith Vieira

Tom Brokaw

Rachel Maddow

Jon Stewart

Diane Sawyer

Keith Olbermann

Chris Matthews

Ann Coulter

Anderson Cooper