Joe Biden Is Relaxing on the Beach Today

What's Joe Biden doing right now? He and Jill Biden are taking in some sun at Cryder Beach in Southampton, according to a tipster who generously sent along a few photos of the shirtless Vice President under a beach umbrella.
Click to viewThe Bidens have been spending weekends in the Hamptons this summer. Who knew, though, he was brazenly breaking the law while there? "His dog isn't on a leash," the tipster explains. "Let's hope he doesn't get a ticket." We're guessing he won't. He has a few Secret Service agents with him who are presumably keeping a lookout for the authorities.

This was as close as our dear tipster wanted to go while pointing a camera at a shirtless Vice President of the United States of America, during his vacation. Understandable. [Click photo to enlarge]

Fortunately, the wonders of technology allow us to zoom in. Is the nice bikini lady one of Biden's Secret Service agents? [Click photo to enlarge]

Or are the Secret Service agents these three bros, chillin' on the beach behind the Bidens at a protective distance? [Click photo to enlarge]

If they are Secret Service, then yeah... they saw this. [Click photo to enlarge]