Paul Narang Is America's Most Eligible Man

"This guy is handing his card out on the 'L' train in Chicago to women for dating purposes," a tipster informed us today. The guy in question is Paul Narang: Businessman. Republican. And eligible male. Let's meet him, shall we?
The following direct quotes from Paul Narang are all culled from Paul Narang's "personal branding website."
Who Is Paul Narang?
My past has included starting and successfully running a technology company, and growing it to 15 employees and several million dollars in revenue...Born in 1972, I am an American citizen, a Christian and a Republican, who calls the greater New York City area, the greater Chicagoland area, as well as Milwaukee, WI home.
My relationship / marital status is SINGLE / DIVORCED and should be deemed such until I change this statement on this web page to reflect a change.
What Makes Paul Narang Such a Big Wheel, Politically?
My 2009-2010 political tour of the United States saw the election of Republican Governors Chris Christie of New Jersey, Bob McDonnell of Virginia, Mayor Bloomberg in New York City and Senator Scott Brown in Massachusetts.
What Is Paul Narang's Prescription for America?
Run the nation like a very large company, its exports like its finished products to be sold, its imports like its raw materials, its citizens like its shareholders and its elected officials like its Board of Directors. (Idea dated 01/01/2009 (c) Paul Narang ;-))
What Is Paul Narang's Advice for Overcoming Personal Hardship?
Do not let others make incorrect assumptions about you, for if you are not careful, it can destroy, ruin and bankrupt you. It nearly destroyed me between 2008 and 2009. People made incorrect and rampant assumptions and speculation about me during those years. Some defined me as Brazilian, some as Chinese, some Hispanic, some Canadian, some Democrat, some Gay, some Pagan, and some even Black! None of these were true!!! Nobody ever speculated that I was Muslim, because they all knew how I felt about some Muslims, especially my vehement and overwhelming dislike towards radical Islamists bent upon destroying western civilization!
Nobody should be allowed to mess with your personal brand and image! By stating clearly that I am a 37-year old Christian, Republican, single, American male I was able to regain much, if not all, of my credibility in 2010.
What Is Paul Narang Looking For in a Lady?
As Bill and Melinda Gates are want to say —- wherever we are going, we are going together! (Charlie Rose interview 11/16/09) I do not believe in long-distance relationships or long-distance marriages. They never work out. I believe that the primary income earner in a household should determine the location of residence and the spouse should follow, and be flexible enough with their career to be able to relocate to the City where the primary income earner is able to secure employment / build a business / earn an income etc.
A piece of advice about dating me ladies: I am generally attracted to women with light-colored hair, eyes and complexion. Go Blondes!!! Especially Blondes!!! Yeah!!! Brunettes and Redheads! Yeah! German-Americans, Polish-Americans, Norwegian-Americans, Danish-Americans, Swiss-Americans, Scandanavian-Americans, Swedish-Americans, or Dutch-Americans —- and whoever else I may have missed in this category —- you obviously have a distinct advantage! I am not really physically attracted to darker skin complexion, dark hair or brown eyes. If you have black hair, or brown eyes, you stand very little chance. Sorry ladies —- nothing personal.
Paul Narang's Physical Fitness Philosophy
I exercise every week and work hard to keep in shape and in good health. I maintain a BMI of between 18.5 and 25. I would expect the same from my future spouse. Unhealthy, or massively overweight women need not apply!
Does Paul Narang Have Any Hobbies?
I like driving fast cars, although I always obey the speed limit. I have owned, leased, rented, or otherwise driven most models of Lexus, Mercedes, Cadillac, Porsche, BMW, and Jaguar.
One More Thing, Ladies
If we do end up taking this life journey together (marrying) and you are a woman of faith (Jewish or Christian) and character, integrity and humility, and you glorify God in all that you say and in all that you do, my friends in power (Democrats and Republicans) will make you one of the most powerful, wealthy and influential women in the nation. If once married you engage in adultery, unrepentant sin, are not humble before God, fail to attend weekly religious services, fail to obey God's rules, or do anything to live in violation of accepted Judeo-Christian principles, God Himself will strike you down with a vengeance the likes of which you can only imagine! Would you like a date with someone like me?